Month #20: Newsletter - Squeeze Pages

What do the best converting squeeze pages look like? Some of them might shock you, but there's more to it than merely adding an optin form and a button. This month we'll jump into lots of Russell's favorite squeeze pages and WHY they convert (yeah... go get a notepad now)...

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Month #20: "Squeeze Pages" Funnel

This time we funnel hack the Squeeze page funnel! Russell takes us through an example made famous by Daegan Smith. Some of its more powerful elements include a BIG, curiosity-provoking headline, a "how did you hear about us?" survey (this dramatically increases conversions), and other attention-getting tactics. Watch the full video to learn these ninja tricks!   Download Share Funnel


Month #21: Newsletter - Order/OTO Pages

Your Order Page is one of the easiest places to tweak to get the biggest results... This issue will be a deep-dive into some of the best converting Order and OTO pages...(enjoy)! Download the Newsletter!

Month #21: "Order/OTO Pages" Funnels

Russell walks us through some of the intricacies and little pieces he puts into Order Form and One-Time-Only offer pages that can really make a difference in your sales! A couple of these tricks include putting something about the speed of delivery about the actual credit card form, putting copy on Shipping and Delivery buttons, and having multiple options/bundles of what people can buy. And of course, the last-minute add-on that everybody loves--the order bump!   Download Share Funnel


Month #22: Newsletter - Cancellation Funnel

Once upon a few months ago, Todd Dickerson got a little angry at people trying to leave ClickFunnels.... So he stomped, he shouted, albeit he pouted! "Why would someone leave this ClickFunnels I've sprouted?!" Then a thought crossed his head, it sowed and it spread... "I'll put this harsh matter FINALLY TO BED!" In pure genius Todd worked and he crafted, the perfect Cancellation Funnel was more than just drafted... The new funnel not only answered customer concerns, it also did wonders to cut down his churns... "Ah HA!" he yelled with vigor and vim, "how's that for my cunning on the marketing limb?" So Todd went into history, shining with spoils. Once again he's brought ClickFunnels plenty of spoils... **pretty much everything in this is made up except for Todd creating ClickFunnel's Cancellation Funnel which kicks butt... Download the Newsletter!

Month #22: "Cancellation" Funnel

It's a great idea to crack open your copy of 'Funnel Hacker Cookbook' (or go buy it--it's ok, we'll wait) and follow along with this video. Page 40 covers the Cancellation Funnel. Russell Brunson walks us through four different variations of this funnel and shows us his pick for the best type. The goal with this funnel is to convince people NOT to cancel and save the sale. We were able to keep 25% of accounts that people wanted to cancel after going through the Clickfunnels Cancellation funnel. The secret is to survey people on the reasons why they want to leave and based on their answer, they are taken to a video that answers that particular objection or even sells them into something else. Easy, right? Now go out there and save that sale!   Download Share Funnel


Month #23: Newsletter - Summit Funnel

This month we'll dive into one of my early and favorite strategies to getting both a huge following very quickly AND a relationship with other big players in your industry. The Summit Funnel, regardless of how long you've been an "expert," is one of the most simple ways to make a mark in your chosen new opportunity... Download the Newsletter!

Month #23: "Summit" Funnel

This strategy taps into the Virtual Summit concept, which is a great way to tap into the expertise by interviewing other big names in your space--especially when you're just getting started. So, being the organizer and host of a Virtual Summit allows you to bring value by organizing information and sharing it widely, while also making money (or you can give it all away for free and just collect email addresses). You also become an expert by association because people see your name next to all these other experts--smart! Find out exactly to create this type of funnel.   Download Share Funnel


Month #24: Newsletter - 3 Winning SaaS Funnels

In this issue, I'm going to show you three different SaaS funnels. The first one is a traditional funnel, the second is the funnel that finally blew up ClickFunnels, and the third is a funnel we recently created that blends multiple funnel types into a new super cool funnel. Check it out! Download the Newsletter!

Month #24: "SaaS" Funnels

Software as a Service is a very popular business model (that's what ClickFunnels is!), so we developed a funnel especially for this product. How did we develop it? By bombing on our first SIX software funnels--watch this video to learn from our mistakes! The traditional funnel is the one most likely to get you credibility in your industry because it's what people are used to expecting. But the other two have their specific uses too. Watch to find out when to use these. Download Share Funnel - Traditional SaaS Download Share Funnel - SaaS Webinar Download Share Funnel - SaaS PLF Demo
