Month #13: Newsletter - The Marketing In Your Car Strategy

In this month's Newsletter, Russell shares a behind the scenes look of two of his own continuity funnels. The first is his "Marketing In Your Car" Funnel, inspired by the "Digital Marketer’s Continuity" Funnel (remember that one?). He explains what was unique about their funnel was that they were selling several different front end products that all pointed to the exact same continuity program on the back end. You will notice that Russell didn’t create anything new to build this funnel. He simply took existing assets that people use and love and repackaged them in a way people would be willing to pay for. The next section covers the "Funnel Graffiti" Funnel! Russell tells us that most funnel hackers are constantly creating new funnels all the time. While this is good it’s also important to leverage the work you've already done to drastically increase how much money you're making. He teaches in order to increase our money we have to use the right bait and switching it when the time comes! Download this In-Depth Newsletter Right Here!

Month #13: The "Marketing in Your Car" Funnel

In this video training, Russell Brunson guides you through each step of his "Marketing in Your Car" Funnel, starting with the irresistible offer! He will show you how he took some existing assets that people use and love and repackaged them in a way people would be willing to pay for. Download the free share funnel below after you watch Russel's training! Download The "Marketing in Your Car" Funnel Here!


Month #13: The "Funnel Graffiti" Funnel

Before you jump into this training, if you didn't watch the previous "Marketing In Your Car" Funnel video, make sure you go back and do that first! This one will make more sense after you watch that video! In this video, Russell breaks down the bait and switch funnel strategy. He explains that some bait will attract everyone. You’ll have customers come through and buy every single offer you put out but often they’ll join on the second or third time seeing it. Then other times people won’t like your front end offer and they won’t buy. Then next time the offer switches and they buy. Russell will do a deep dive into different types of bait and what brings more people into your funnel. The more people you have in your funnel the more you grow! It's Time you Download The "Funnel Graffiti" Funnel!


Month #14: Newsletter - Dollar Shave Club

Join us this month for a special issue while we dive deep into the BILLION dollar business 'Dollar Shave Club' and the awesome 'Dollar Beard Club.' Find out why the viral video that led to their massive success was the "video heard round the world" and get a section-by-section dissection of both funnels! Download the Newsletter!

Month #14: "Dollar Shave Club" Funnel

Russell goes over the Dollar Shave Club funnel, which was so successful it led to the company being sold for a BILLION dollars. Watch him break down why this funnel was so successful: a viral video that explains the offer, a very simple offer right at the top of the funnel (above the fold), and a CTA that opens up a pop-up with some quick bullet points that outline the offer. Funnels work best when your product doesn’t require a ton of explanation. There are a couple of really smart elements to hack here: repeating the core hook for your offer over and over (in their case, that it costs only $1), selling to the lowest common denominator (you can join for only $1 a month but that’s not actually the best deal), and providing some very simple add-ons to ensure that no one ends up paying JUST a dollar. Instead, your buyers will naturally ascend up. Make sure to download the share funnel so you can model this right after you watch the training! Download Share Funnel


Month #14: "Dollar Beard Club" Funnel

Stephen Larson draws a beard on his face (yes, really), to get into the right mindset to dissect the Dollar Beard Club funnel and explain how it compares to Dollar Shave Club. Since grown men who can’t grow beards are openly mocked in this funnel, it’s a good reminder that polarity works as a marketing tactic! The layout is similar to the original Dollar Shave Club funnel: a video above the fold, a strong hook (“Be A Man”), a simple offer (everything is $1), and the kicker: a big, compelling Call to Action! Of course, anyone who comes into this funnel is going to want to “Become a Bearded Brother,” because why wouldn’t they?! They are selling the “cult of brotherhood” much harder than even the frontend product (beard oil). This funnel style is bold and manly, kind of like your beard. Download Share Funnel


Month #15: Newsletter - Strength Camp Funnel

Jacked. Yoked. Totally Swole. Join us this month as we check out the incredible marketing behind an amazing fitness funnel. We'll also dive deep into the magic behind Frank Kern's Inner Circle funnel process... Download the Newsletter!

Month #15: "Strength Camp" Funnel

Watch a breakdown of this impressively jacked fitness funnel--it utilizes a quiz at the beginning to funnel people into offers depending on the answers they give. It also creates urgency with a sneaky trick--a “warning” message pop-up that says their current server load is moderately high, so their “personal prescription” will only be saved for 5 minutes. Ack! Russell shows us the five or six different versions of pages that are served up depending upon your quiz answers. As a result, you are sold something that is directly applicable to the pain points you identified. Find out who they are FIRST, then customize the message and sell based on that. And that, friends, is what we call a Survey Funnel. Brilliant!   Download Share Funnel


Month #15: "Kern Inner Circle" Funnel

Russell Brunson funnel hacks one of his favorite funnels of the month: Frank Kerns (check out the video in Funnel University on his Continuity funnel). This funnel is for what was his brand-new offer, the Upscale Continuity Live Training. It had a countdown timer (scarcity), a sales video to breakdown the whole process, and the offer ($297 for his Inner Circle training). Now here’s the ninja part: the only way to get this training is to become a member of his Continuity Program and then it’s free. So it’s an existing offer, but Kerns found creative ways to continuously bring people in! He’s not so much selling the actual training as he is the membership. Clever, right? As Russell says, the more you focus all your creativity on ONE thing, the more successful you will be. Download Share Funnel


Month #16: Newsletter - Home Page Funnel

"WHAT??? Russell, I thought you only did PAID traffic!"
Neope! I also love traffic I "don't control"... This month we're going to dive into how I take traffic I control, and traffic i don't control, and turn it into traffic that I own...

Download the Newsletter!

Month #16: "Home Page" Funnel

First off, before you watch this video: if you haven’t yet read Dotcom Secrets, go read it and come back. Trust us, you’re going to want to be familiar with the 3 Types of Traffic: traffic you control, traffic you don’t control, and traffic you own. Building a homepage funnel that’s attached to your own name as the domain is the perfect place to drive traffic that you own; from your blog, podcast, email list, etc. Your homepage funnel could be a Journey blog (like the example Russell shows us), or really anything that you can dream up. Think of it as a funnel catcher to bring people in and the ultimate goal is to convert all traffic into the kind that you own. Download Share Funnel


Month #16: Funnel Hacking - Back to the Basics

Russell Brunson takes us back to the basics, aka Funnel Hacking 101. These fundamentals of funnel-building are also found in the book Dotcom Secrets. This video gets into Secret #9: reverse engineering a successful funnel! In this video, Russell takes us through the Beachbody funnel and what makes it so successful. Hint: they shifted with the times and market demand and converted a booming fitness DVD business into a streaming, on-demand service. He also hacked many of their stylistic elements and used them in his first Expert Secrets funnel. This process is a fascinating--find out how it works and up-level your landing page creation skills!


Month #17: Newsletter - Expert Secrets Book Funnel

As I write this, we've already sold 66,000+ copies of our book in a VERY short amount of time. Wanna see how? Well you're in luck! This issue is ALL about Russell Brunson's 'Expert Secrets' book funnel and how we got so much buzz... (you're welcome). Download the Newsletter!

Month #17: "Expert Secrets Book" Funnels

It’s the “Expert Secrets Funnel” edition of Funnel U! If you want to know exactly how Russell Brunson structured this to make thousands in sales of his book, 'Expert Secrets,' you won’t want to miss this! He’ll walk through it page by page and share some tips and tricks that have helped bump conversions so you can try these out in your own funnels! Did you know simply adding a pop-out box talking about the speed of delivery increases sales? And that even free book offers should be sold really well? This a not-to-be-missed video for anyone who wants to learn the RIGHT way to sell a free + shipping offer. There are also 3 versions of this funnel available for download--now go create your own winning funnel!   Download Share Funnel - Expert Secrets Book Funnel Download Share Funnel - ES Book 7-Day Launch Download Share Funnel - ES Book "Product Launch" Funnel


Month #18: Newsletter - Supplement

This month we get to take a closer look at the success behind TWO viral videos AND the physical product they're promoting. First, lets dive into an awesome supplement funnel (so pumped for them). Then, we'll go watch Goldilocks crush eggs on her Purple mattress...

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Month #18: "Supplement" Funnel

Russell Brunson talks about how copy (even in viral videos) is what matters the MOST in any funnel, supplement funnels included. People think there’s a magic formula to making a winning supplement funnel, but it’s the same formula for ANY funnel: really good copy pushing to a really good offer. He walks us through Luke Jaden’s funnel for his health company, Zuma Juice.  The formula is this: a really well-done viral video on auto-play, a “Learn More” button that takes you to a mini sales page that tells you about the product with some of the core messaging, THEN an “Order now” button. Watch the full breakdown to find out how to hack this!   Download Share Funnel


Month #18: "Viral Ecommerce" Funnel

This month we take a look at the Harmon Brothers' viral videos, because they made a video for Clickfunnels! Russell breaks down their awesome Goldilocks and her Purple Mattress video for mattress company Purple, and how this funnels to their offers. Russell wishes he could make their video auto-play, but otherwise gives props to some of their great funnel elements: they show their entire product line on the first page so they don't lose people who don't want to buy a mattress, they have a great hook "Life's Too Short to Be Uncomfortable," and their blocks of copy are all tied to a potential customer's false belief patterns. Watch the video to see what he means! Download Share Funnel


Month #19: Newsletter - Funnel U Funnel

Join us this month as we follow the RELAUNCH of FunnelU (and WHY we decided to relaunch). Also, webinars. We all love 'em. Here are some other ways to pull off a webinar if the customer doesn't have 90 minutes for a full-length presentation... Download the Newsletter!

Month #19: "Funnel U" Funnel

Check out our actual funnel to funnel people to Funnel University--that's a lot of use of the word 'funnel!' This was inspired by the Purple Mattress funnel, by the way. It consists of a promo video of Russell pitching people to sign up for the Funnel U newsletter (and this was done with his phone, no high production here!). Much like Purple's full product line-up, we also show everything you can get when you sign up for the newsletter. Each button under the bonus stack pops you into a new page. Find out the strategy behind this approach!   Download Share Funnel


Month #19: "Sideways Webinar" Funnel

Hustle mode is on! Find out the strategy behind the "Sideways Funnel" as described in the book 'Expert Secrets.' Secret #19 talks about a perfect webinar hack and explains that this same script works for anything you want to sell and make money from. Russell shows us how he applied this same strategy to the 'Expert Secret's funnel. There are also 2 layers to this strategy, as he pushes them to each video in the Perfect Webinar script in both the funnel and the email sequence. The same concept of selling works in multiple formats--find out how to pull this off!   Download Share Funnel
