Month #8: Newsletter - The CPA Supplement and Butterfly Marketing Funnels

In this month's issue, Russell guides you through the "CPA Supplement" Funnel and explains the two different marketing worlds in the supplement business. First, there are the ethical marketers who care about their customers and the sales process (like himself and you). The other world doesn’t love or care about customers, all they care about are numbers, data, conversions, and percentages. Russell briefly breaks down both worlds and what you can learn from them while remaining completely ethical! Next, he shows you a behind the scenes look at one of his favorite sites,, and where he found the inspiration for the "CPA Supplement" Funnel. He breaks down the influence of using the word FREE and how to properly upsell your customers. In the last section of this issue, Russell shares with you a recent funnel he discovered called the "Butterfly Marketing" Funnel! When he discovered this one he started testing the funnel without any real game plan in place and... IT TOOK OFF. Now he uses it all the time. Russell instructs you on how he used this funnel to create and created a cult following on social media! Download this Loaded Funnel U Newsletter Now!

Month #8: The "CPA Supplement" Funnel

Russell breaks down the "CPA Supplement" Funnel step by step in this video. He will walk you through a funnel he found on for a brain supplement. As he takes you through each step of the funnel he'll explain it's purpose and how to apply it to your own. At the end of this training, he offers up some tweaks to the funnel and what he would do differently. If you sell any type of supplement this funnel training is exactly what you're looking for! Make sure to download Russell's own "CPA Supplement" Funnel below! Download Russell's "CPA Supplement" Funnel Here!


Month #8: The "Butterfly Marketing" Funnel

In this training, Russell explains The "Butterfly Marketing" Funnel, one that he recently discovered and was able to apply to different ideas and products. Russell had the idea for this funnel while meeting with Two Comma Club Winners Brandon and Kaylin, at one of his Inner Circle meetings. The entire meeting they kept mentioning SnapChat and Russell started to wonder how he could garner more engagement on the platform. After asking Brandon and Kaylin to give a training on Google Hangout Russell decided to create a funnel that would not only help create more engagement but interrupt the social media pattern entirely, hence The "Butterfly Marketing" Funnel. This funnel is designed to help you increase your following, raise your engagement, and interrupt your market. Download the share funnel and watch the video to get started!   Download The "Butterfly Marketing" Funnel to Increase your Engagement!


Month #9: Newsletter - Frank Kern's Inner Circle

In this issue of the Funnel University Newsletter, Russell covers a promotion created by Frank Kern, the marketing copywriter expert. The promotion was published to grow Frank's inner circle members and it immediately hooked Russell. Afterward, he broke down Frank's funnel and took note of all the strategies that he found within. He was especially impressed with Frank's "Greatest Bribe" strategy. Russell will walk you through Kern's inner circle funnel and show how the simplest of funnels can have the best results! Russell will also teach you how to use the power of high-end membership sites! Plus, Stephen Larsen stops by to tell you about the same method he taught his father-in-law to capture quality local leads! Download the newsletter to get your funnel fix! Download this Incredible Issue of the Funnel Univerity Newsletter!

Month #9: "Kern's Inner Circle" Funnel

Funnel Hackers! In this training, Russell guides you through "Kern's Inner Circle" Funnel! He'll show you how Frank uses a variation of the "who, what, why, how" script to sell membership into his inner circle. Russell will also break down Frank's copy, the pricing for the membership, and how you can utilize the power of the high-end membership site! After you watch the video make sure to download the share funnel below! Download "Kern's Inner Circle" Funnel and Grow your Membership Site!


Month #9: The "Local Painter Quotes" Funnel

In this special training, funnel hacking expert, Stephen Larsen breaks down the "Local Painter Quotes" Funnel! Stephen discovered this funnel while visiting his wife's family in Colorado. During their trip, Stephen's father-in-law asked him how he could garner more leads for his painting business. Little did he know the lesson Stephen was about to teach him and now you! This funnel, as Stephen explains, is all about helping brick and mortar businesses connect their offline business to the online world. If your local business is looking to capture more online leads you absolutely need to watch this video and download the share funnel below! Download The "Local Painter Quotes" Funnel to Capture Local Leads!


Month #10: Newsletter - Holy Crowd Cow!

In this month's issue, Russell instructs you on one of the coolest funnels around, the "Crowd Cow" Funnel! Russell tells the story of running across an ad on FaceBook for 100% grass-fed, organic beef. As a lover of organic beef, he had to click on the ad. After inputting his email, Russell quickly noticed the funnel's ingenious scarcity technique. In the upper right-hand corner was a picture of a cow showing the certain cuts of meat, the only way the company would sell the beef to you was if all the cuts were purchased. Russell was hooked and of coarse had to funnel hack the entire thing (and buy some beef). Russell breaks down this one of a kind funnel and teaches the importance of building urgency and scarcity! Also in this issue, Stephen Larsen will show you how to use what you already know to build some cash flow. Whatever your experience is online, Stephen teaches, you have knowledge people need and will pay for. The funnel he hacks will show you a great way to get your business moving if you're feeling stuck or need some extra income! Download this Amazing Newsletter Now to Get Started!

Month #10: The "Crowd Cow" Funnel

In this training, Russell breaks down the "Crowd Cow" Funnel! Russell ran across the ad for this funnel on Facebook. The ad for was pushing 100% grass-fed, organic beef on a limited time offer. After inputting his email for 15% off, Russell quickly noticed the funnel's ingenious scarcity technique which he guides you through. As always Russell will walk through each phase of this funnel while teaching the importance of creating urgency and scarcity! Download the share funnel below after you watch the video! Download the "Crowd Cow" Funnel and Get Moving!


Month #10: The "Just Answer" Funnel

In this Funnel University Training, you'll learn how to use what you already know to build cash flow. Stephen Larsen will show you that whatever your experience is online, you have knowledge people need and even better, they'll pay you for it. The funnel Stephen instructs you on is going to show you one of the best ways to make some extra income for your business especially if you’re feeling stuck! So watch this insightful training and download the funnel below to start scaling! Download The "Just Answer" Funnel RIGHT NOW!


Month #11: Newsletter - Political Copycats

Another day, another awesome Funnel University Newsletter! In today's issue, Stephen starts off by hacking Pres. Obama's $180M funnel. He explains that he received an email from a friend who asked him to check out an interesting article about Obama. The article showed how he raised $180 million in a short amount of time. As Stephen read the article, he thought to himself, “What the heck? How did he do that?”. Stephen went on to hack this multi-million dollar page and shows you exactly how Pres. Trump and Hillary Clinton hacked Pres. Obama's funnel in the 2016 election! He will also explain how this is a great example of how funnel hacking works! Later in the newsletter, Russell shows you a unique funnel that only uses one simple page. This funnel was inspired by Russell's early days in network marketing. He explains the logic behind this funnel is different than the majority of funnels but of all the new things ClickFunnels has tried, outside of the webinar funnels that drive mass sales, this funnel is one of the top producers! Download this Uniquely Exciting Newsletter Here!

Month #11: The "Funnel Fridays" Funnel

In this training, Russell tells of the time when he was in network marketing and he was trying to build a large team and generate excitement. So he did what any great marketer would do, he set up a page where he would invite people to join him on a daily Google Hangout. Russell did this every single day for six months and in the beginning, it was just Google Hangouts on a page. Later he started adding links to the important things his team was doing and it transformed the business at a rapid pace. Now Russell is no longer in network marketing, but as always he took something that was successful in one industry and found a way to apply it another. Russell took this model to his friend and master copywriter Jim Edwards and they created Funnel Fridays where they would build funnels right in front of their audience. Learn how to apply this funnel to your business by watching the video and download the share funnel after! Download The "Funnel Fridays" Funnel to Start Creating Fans!


Month #11: The "Political Copycat" Funnel

In this video training, resident funnel expert, Stephen Larsen will break down Pres. Obama's, Pres. Trump's, and Hillary Clinton's simple, one-page donation funnel (the "Political Copycat" Funnel). The "Political Copycat" Funnel uses simple yet effective continuity techniques and calls to action. Stephen also reminds all funnel hackers to look at demographics, traffic sources, and ad copy. Download The Effective "Political Copycat" Funnel Here!


Month #12: Newsletter - Fixing The FiberFix Funnel and More!

Funnel Hackers! Welcome back to the Funnel University Newsletter! In this issue, Russell shares two amazing funnels with you. Starting off with the "Borrowed Book" Funnel, he explains that it's not often that he runs across a funnel that completely blows his mind as this one has. The funnel was created by FHL speaker, Todd Brown. After Russell had gone through the funnel Todd sent him a live event presentation he had done explaining this funnel before he launched it. When the funnel went live Todd hit all of his projections and had Russell even more excited! Russell breaks down each step of the "Borrowed Book" Funnel and even shows you how to use it without writing your own book! Next, Russell covers the awesome "Super eCommerce" Funnel by breaking down FiberFix's funnel (if you haven't seen their viral video we highly recommend it). When FiberFix launched their video, it went completely viral but their funnel didn't and they weren't making any money. Naturally, they called up Russell to help solve their dilemma! He walks you through the entire process of fixing their funnel, what changes he made, and how they started making money hand over fist afterward. This is one of Russell's top funnels and he was extremely excited to share it with you, so make sure to download the newsletter below! Download this Special Edition of the Funnel U Newsletter!

Month #12: The "Borrowed Book" Funnel

In this training, Russell breaks down the "Borrowed Book" Funnel and you can use it even if you're not an author! He Book funnels are really amazing funnels for building lists, getting members into our continuity programs, etc. so a lot of us want one, but there’s typically a huge problem... You have to write a book! This funnel creates a workaround that makes having a book funnel a million times easier. Make sure to watch Russell's video and download the share funnel! Download The Incredible "Borrowed Book" Funnel Here! 


Month #12: The "Super eCommerce" Funnel

Watch this training to learn how to craft and profit from your very own "Super Ecommerce" Funnel! Russell worked with, eCommerce marketing Ninja, Trey Lewellen to remodel FiberFix's Funnel to make it more profitable and evergreen. In this special training, Russell breaks down each angle of the funnel and shows you the changes that were made for the better! If you are in eCommerce at any capacity this is a funnel you need to learn and apply to your business. You can even download the free share funnel below to model your own after watching the training. Don't Wait to Download The "Super eCommerce" Funnel!
